Party Mixology: choose your own adventure

Click on the image to download the file for your own party!

Click on the image to download the file for your own party!

We’ve talked about how much we like to make drinks interactive at a party and wanted to share a fun twist on the idea. The best part is it makes it really easy to have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options that are tasty and pretty!

This came about while planning a nautical themed baby shower and were inspired to do play on ‘choose your own adventure’ like the books to help people make a drink. If you have a party with a similar theme, we’ve made the PDF available if you click on the image. We then came up with a series of drinks that had shared ingredients and used some fun arrows to guide people through several options. The colors and images could easily be swapped out to match the rest of the party, having a baby or getting married are both great adventures :) But really, it works for any shower or holiday celebration - make it scary for Halloween (perhaps a misadventure…) or cheery for Christmas (Elf’s big adventure).

Have fun and let us know if you try it out!

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